Upcoming Snack Calendar:
We would like to take a minute to thank all the parents and caregivers for making this year such a wonderful experience so far. We hope that you have enjoyed your time with your child, or if you’re not able to attend, that your child has enjoyed their time at school with their caregiver.
Tots class is a very unique school experience for parents. Schooling undoubtedly will play a major part in the lives of your children. In the toddler program, parents and caregivers have a chance to see the very beginning of it, right there along with their child. What a long and winding road ahead, and what a wonderful chance to be there from the start! If you’ve been in class recently, you may have noticed, as we have, that your children are beginning to get much more comfortable at school. They are internalizing our schedule, knowing that when the music comes on that means it is clean up time, pouring their own water, even carrying their dishes over to the bin. Can you believe it all!? They may try new activities more readily. They may have developed a diverse routine, “water table, then easel, block rug, then babies.” Maybe you have heard your toddler talk about school during the week, about their “favorite” stuffed animal, or heard them wonder what will be in the sand table next class. As your children become more comfortable in class they may begin to leave you behind while you finish a conversation with another parent or caregiver. They may not want you to hover, or help them with the glue, and they may begin to seek out a special someone to play beside. You may also notice that even while they run to the next activity with confidence, and happily leave you behind, they will often come back to find you, sometimes with a degree of desperation. They are branching out, yes. But they still may need a hand to hold, or a leg to cling to for safety, to recharge and feel back at home. Having a caregiver close by allows a child to feel safe and secure while they are off exploring new and uncharted waters.