Our goal at Park West has always been to have a safe and smoothly run arrival and dismissal. The below procedures should be utilized once your child has separated from their parent/caregiver and will be arriving without support to the classroom.
Arrival Procedures
Parents/caregivers have three options for bringing their child(ren) to school:
Car queue
Walkup line/Goodbye at gate
Walk into classroom
Car queue procedures:
Our queuing line is located on the south side of Webster, from Bissell west to the train tracks. If you see that it is empty, you must still stop in the queue line to check in with the traffic monitor (staff member with walkie talkie) to make sure there is a spot available in the loading zone in front of school. The traffic monitor will send cars from the Webster queue to the loading zone as space becomes available.
If the queue line is full when you arrive, you will have to circle around and enter the queue line when there is room again or find a parking spot.
Parents and caregivers will not be allowed to park in the loading zone in front of school. This space is for actively unloading and loading students only.
Parents and caregivers can leave the car to help their child out of the vehicle, but must stay at the curb. Parents and caregivers should say goodbye to their student at the curb and not walk the student to the gate. Assisting parents and staff members will walk the student to the gate and accompany students to their classroom, as necessary.
If your child is having a hard day and feels resistant to go in from the loading zone, there are two options:
An assisting parent, teacher or staff member outside can help your child in;
You can leave the loading zone with your child, find a parking spot and walk them to the gate or their classroom.
Walkup line procedures:
Once a staff member opens the door, students are welcome to walk into school independently, with a Director, a teacher, a staff member, an assisting parent or with their parent/caregiver.
If you are bringing a child in a stroller, we have stroller parking available in the parkway outside of school. Please plan to bring a stroller lock or bike lock to lock your stroller to one of the secure chains provided by school. Please do not park your stroller inside the gate as this space is used by teachers and students.
If your child rides a bike or scooter to school, bike and scooter parking is available inside the gate along the south side of the building between the bike racks and the wall of the building.
If you’re curious about how your child is doing after separation, please feel free to call the office after arrival and someone from the office will check in on your child.
Dismissal Procedures
Car queue procedures:
Our queuing line is located on the south side of Webster, from Bissell west to the train tracks. If you see that it is empty, you must still stop in the queue line to check in with the traffic monitor to make sure there is a spot available in the loading zone in front of school.
If the queue line is full when you arrive, you will have to circle around and enter the queue line when there is room or find a parking spot.
Please place your name placard on the front dash, drivers side in the queue line. This way we can notify the teachers and they can be ready at the curb with the child for pick up.
Scan the QR code and dismiss your student in the Remini app or via a caregiver’s phone when stopped on Webster and before moving to the loading zone.
The traffic monitor (parent/staff member with walkie talkie) will release cars from the queue on Webster as space becomes available in the loading zone in front of school.
Once in the loading zone, parents and caregivers can leave their vehicle to help their child(ren) get into their carseat(s) safely.
After you have collected your child, please promptly secure them in their car seat and pull out of the loading zone. This is to keep the line moving and stay efficient.
Walkup line procedures:
Upon arriving by foot, parents/caregivers should scan the QR code on the fence to dismiss their child via the Remini app on their phone.
For students in the ‘West’ classroom (4-Day), parents/caregivers should walk in the gate, through the courtyard and to the back door on the south side of the building. Teachers will bring students to caregivers at this door.
For students in the ‘East’ (JK) and ‘First Floor’ (2-Day and 3-Day) classrooms, caregivers should wait outside the gate and teachers will bring students to parents/caregivers after they have been ‘Checked Out’ in Remini.
Please ensure that your child has been ‘Checked Out’ in Remini before accepting them from their teacher.
Dismissal times for classes:
2-Day — 10:30 am (changes to 10:45 in February)
3-Day, 4-Day and JK Half-Day — 11:30 am
Lunch Bunch — 12:30 pm
Full Day — 3:30 pm
Not every child can be dismissed at exactly 10:30, 11:30, or 3:30. Please arrive a few minutes after the dismissal time if you find it too crowded or frustrating to wait.
Please do not arrive for dismissal more than 15 minutes prior to the class dismissal time. We need Remini dismissal times to be accurate for licensing and we do not want a line in the loading zone or on Webster for an extended period. Parents/caregivers arriving more than 15 minutes prior to dismissal time will be asked to leave the car queue line and return within 15 minutes of dismissal. Parents/caregivers in the car queue should scan the QR code when parked on Webster and walkup line parents/caregivers should scan the QR code when arriving at the gate/line.
Please share all of this information with anyone that will be dropping off or picking up your child(ren). It is important that all caregivers comply with these procedures.
Remini App Procedures
For specific instructions, with visuals, on utilizing the Remini app, please access the Remini Instructions page on our website.
Failure to Adhere to Drop-Off/Pick-Up Procedures
Should you or anyone picking up your child(ren) (including nannies, grandparents, etc.) fail to adhere to the aforementioned arrival and dismissal procedures, you will be issued one warning. Following the first warning, you will be issued a $50 fine for failure to comply. Should a third instance of noncompliance occur, you will be issued a $100 fine. Any further non-compliance with Park West’s drop-off/pick-up procedures will result in the revocation of your privilege to use Park West’s standing and loading zones and potential dismissal from the school. Our procedures are in place to protect our students, the school and the overall community in which we reside. Your compliance is greatly appreciated!