Gym Time

Toddlers are on the move. They are learning to crawl, walk, jump, run, climb, use stairs, and throw a ball.

Our gym is set up to allow toddlers to explore the gym in their own way. We offer a space where your child can crawl (on the mats and floor) climb (over wooden play structures and climbing wall) jump (onto the giant pillows/mats), play with balls (throw, catch and roll), push toys (walking) in addition to offering bikes and other toys. With development in mind, we are designing spaces where your children can practice the skills that are emerging for toddlers and we offer a range of opportunities to meet each child where they are in their development. Do you have any questions about how your child is developing? Melissa, our school director, is always happy to chat with you as you work to understand your child and give them what they need to thrive!

More is happening in the gym than just playing.

They are working on balance, coordination, strength, learning social, language and negotiation skills…..

Please enjoy the photos of some of our time in the gym. These photos are meant for your family please do not share them.


Angela and Nada