Thank you for a wonderful week of classroom visits. We all appreciate how much time and effort you have put into being present for all of these important orientations, visits, and times of transition. For your first days of school I want to share some tips that may help you and your child during these first days and weeks of school:
In the Classroom:
When you enter the classroom, be with your child while they store their personal items in their cubby, helping them as needed and allowing them independence where they are able.
Be with them as they settle into an activity. They may know just what they want to do or they may need help identifying an activity or place to be.
When your child is comfortable and engaged you can move to a seat at the edge of the room. If your child wants you to stay with them, then do that.
If you are seated off to the side and your child calls to you or wants you to join, then please do.
You can expect that your child will likely want/need your help during transitions (clean-up time, group time, washing hands) as this can be an anxious time for kids.
When sitting off to the side try to stay in the same place and not move around. This will make it easier for your child to find you and will help them feel less anxious.
Bring a book or something to do in the classroom. While we want you to be available to your child, we also want to draw children into the excitement of the classroom and teachers. You sitting quietly with a book may be just boring enough for them to ignore you a bit!
Please Note:
It is important for parents to be quiet in the classroom. It can be difficult to resist an opportunity to chat with other parents but please save these conversations for when you are out of the classroom. It can get very loud when everyone starts chatting, which can be overwhelming for children and teachers!
Please do not bring any food or beverages into the classroom during separation. There will be coffee and water available in the team room upstairs and water in the multi-purpose room.
Teachers will communicate with you when it is time to leave the classroom so please don’t leave until teachers have checked in with you.
We are a community! Teachers are weighing many factors when deciding which parent goes and when. Just because your child might seem ready to say goodbye doesn’t mean that teachers are ready.They may have a plan to settle in another child and want to be sure that they are available for you and your child when the time comes. We appreciate your patience and trust in this complicated dance!
When Leaving the Classroom:
No sneaking out! I know it can be tempting to avoid seeing potential upset from your child, but sneaking out will only increase their anxiety and diminish trust that children are beginning to have in school and teachers.
Once you have told your child that you are leaving, it is important to really go. If you linger or stay another 5 minutes, children may feel confused or anxious. It may also send them the message that they are in charge of the comings and goings and that is too big a responsibility for them.
After leaving the classroom, wait for your designated time to return and please be on time. Teachers will help you know when/where to reunite with your child. If your child needs you before that time, teachers will let you know and bring you back earlier.