I’m excited to introduce you to your weekly school newsletters from teachers. In this week's bulletin and every week, you will find links to your classes newsletter. 4AM and JK begin 9/16 and 2AM and 3AM begin 9/23. Some weeks teachers will be sharing photos with you of children, the classroom, and the activities going on in the room. Other weeks you will be hearing more in depth information about the emergent curriculum and connections to children’s learning and development. Teachers may also share relevant articles from the early childhood field to help support you in your understanding of your child’s development and in your parenting journey. Please be sure to take time to read these classroom updates. This will be a great way to stay connected to the goings on of your specific classroom and will also serve as another great resource for you. If you enjoyed reading what teachers had to share, let them know! Think of these newsletters as an invitation for conversation with your teachers. Maybe you’d like to hear more about your specific child in relation to the topic teachers wrote about or maybe you have questions. Please feel free to engage with us around these communications.
Monthly Parent Tot newsletters will begin 10/07/22
2AM or 3AM classes will receive communication either bi-weekly or in a combined message for both classes.
If you did not sign the photo release form but would like to see photos of your child at school, please stop by the office so that we can update your choices in our records.
All class newsletter links will be housed within the Parent Portal, in addition to being linked in each week's Bulletin.
To refer back to a previous newsletter just scroll down, all newsletters will be saved to the same link throughout the entire school year.
I had such a wonderful time seeing you all at the Fall General Meeting on Wednesday evening. It was powerful to come together again as a group and connect around our shared goals for our community. Thank you all for your partnership, your contributions to school, for all you have done to support your children these first few weeks of school and all you will do to support school this year.