Park West Cooperative Nursery School Re-Opening FAQs
Updated: September 2, 2020
Italicized and underlined font indicates changes from the August 26, 2020 version
Will students be required to wear a mask during outdoor class?
We will require all students to wear a mask during outdoor class. Teachers will be required to wear a face covering that covers their nose and mouth and may choose to wear additional PPE, such as a clear face shield. All masks worn to school must have the child’s name written on the outside of the mask.
Will students and teachers be socially distancing with at least 6 feet between them at all times while at school?
A primary goal of our program is social interaction between students. Because of this, we will not enforce strict social distancing procedures at school. We are requiring students to wear masks while at school. We recommend that families work with children to build mask stamina and find mask options that are comfortable. For JK classes that enjoy snack at school, students will be seated with appropriate distance while masks are off during this time. Teachers will help children remove masks before snack and put them back on after eating.
Will hand washing stations or hand sanitizer be available?
A hand washing station with running water and soap will be available inside the courtyard. Students will utilize hand sanitizer prior to entering the courtyard and then proceed to the handwashing station where they will be required to wash their hands with soap and running water prior to starting their day at school. The hand washing station and hand sanitizer will be kept in the yard at all times that students are on property. Teachers will assist students in washing their hands with soap and water after sneezing, coughing or blowing their nose, before snack, and at any other time the teacher notices a student coming into contact with bodily fluids. The sinks indoors will be utilized for hand washing after using the bathroom and teachers will ensure students wash their hands properly after using the restroom.
Will students be able to have water breaks?
Yes, students in all classes will have access to filtered or bottled water and disposable cups supplied by the school. No personal water bottles will be allowed at school or our courtyard at this time. If a class meets offsite, families will be asked to bring water bottles for their child(ren).
Will snack be provided for all classes? (applies to JK only)
Snack will only be provided if the class duration is 2 hours or longer. Under our current schedule, only the JK students will have snack at school. When snack is served, it will be individual servings in/on disposable packaging. Students will be seated with appropriate distance during snack. Teachers will assist children with removing and replacing masks before and after snack times. Students should not bring any food from home to school as we have several students with food allergies. Please plan to give your child(ren) a snack before or after class.
What are the cleaning protocols between classes?
Each class will have separate materials that will be brought out to the courtyard just before class begins. Only students from that class and their teachers will have access to those materials. All class materials will be sanitized after each class. All courtyard areas will be sanitized after each class. For this reason, we are asking parents and caregivers to arrive on time to pick up their children and not arrive early for drop off to give the clearing crew time to do a thorough cleaning of the shared space.
What is the protocol if a child at school has symptoms of or tests positive for COVID-19?
The school must follow very specific guidelines from DCFS related to the handling of symptoms of COVID-19 among students and staff members.
If a child or staff member has symptoms of COVID-19, they will be sent home and should get tested and not return to school until test results are received.
For NEGATIVE TEST RESULTS, they may return to school when:
It has been 24-hours with no fever (without fever-reducing medication); AND
They have a note from a medical provider documenting an alternate diagnosis if the child or staff member continues to be symptomatic for another reason besides COVID-19 infection.
If Co-Op staff or child tests positive for COVID-19:
They should report test results to the Co-Op by emailing
They should isolate until:
It has been 10 days since their symptoms first appeared (or for asymptomatic individuals, from their test date) AND
The individual’s symptoms, including cough, have improved AND
The individual is free from fever without the use of fever-reducing medications for at least 24 hours.
If it is reported that staff or a child tests positive for COVID19 the following will occur:
The identity of the positive individual will be protected.
The staff member or child’s parent/guardian will be interviewed by the Co-Op director by telephone as soon as the Co-Op receives a verbal or written report that a positive test has been received.
The Co-Op will confirm the test date, type of test and first day of symptoms (if there were any).
The Co-Op will confirm the last day staff or child was in the facility by looking at attendance logs.
The Co-Op will determine who, within the school, came into close contact (within 6 feet for more than 15 minutes starting 2 days prior to their first day of symptoms - or for asymptomatic individuals their test date - through their last day at the facility) with the staff or child who tested positive. During Phase 4 of the COVID-19 response, all children and staff within the individual’s classroom should be considered close contacts.
The Co-Op will notify the identified close contacts or families of close contacts that they were exposed to someone with COVID-19 at school. To the best of our abilities notification will be in person or via telephone to confirm receipt of this information and instructions will be provided.
If a staff member is positive and has a child enrolled at the Co-Op:
The child will quarantine for 14 days from the end of the isolation period of the staff member, or if the staff member can guarantee complete isolation from the child, for 14 days from the last date of exposure to the positive staff member.
Testing is recommended if the positive staff member’s child is symptomatic. If the test is positive, the above contact tracing steps for that child will occur and the child’s classroom will remain quarantined for the full 14 days.
No additional steps need to be taken with the child’s classroom beyond continued daily symptom monitoring if the positive staff member’s child is asymptomatic and has been appropriately quarantined for 14 days.
If a child is positive and has a sibling enrolled at the Co-Op or a parent who is staff at the school, the same quarantine instructions apply for the sibling or parent as for the child of a positive staff member.
If Co-Op staff or students come into close contact (within 6 feet for more than 15 minutes starting 2 days prior to the positive individual’s first day of symptoms - or for asymptomatic individuals their test date) to a person who is suspected to have COVID-19 or who has been diagnosed with COVID-19:
They must quarantine for 14 days from the last day of exposure to a positive case and be monitored for symptoms.
They may return to school if they remain asymptomatic.
They must isolate if symptoms occur and follow procedures for persons with symptoms of COVID-19.
They should know that negative testing of positive (or suspected to be positive) individual does not clear them to return to the Co-Op sooner than 14 days from the date of last exposure.
If Co-Op staff or students are diagnosed with an illness other than COVID-19, they should follow school policies regarding when they can safely return to school.
Will my family be required to quarantine if we travel during the school year?
If your family, including your child(ren) attending Park West, travels to a state listed on the Chicago Emergency Travel Order your family will be expected to quarantine and not come to school for 14 days after returning to Chicago. We also ask families to consider how their activities outside of school impact the greater school community. We expect all our staff members to follow the CDC recommendations related to social distancing, wearing masks when in public and frequent hand washing. We have a greater likelihood of keeping our entire school community healthy and safe, if we all follow these guidelines in and out of school. The well being of our teachers, staff, and students is directly impacted by how each family chooses to follow these guidelines.
What is the plan if inclement weather occurs before or during class?
The school will have tents/canopy installed over portions of the outdoor courtyard to provide some shelter from the elements. Parents should expect to dress students for the expected weather, as class will still be held in rain and snow. Parents should expect to apply sunscreen to students prior to bringing them to school on sunny days and send them in boots and a raincoat on rainy days. If severe weather is forecasted for any given class time, Park West will activate our emergency email and text notification to notify parents that class will be either postponed or cancelled for the day. If inclement weather approaches while school is in session, students will be moved to the basement gym to await parent/caregiver pickup. An emergency email/text will be sent if students need to be picked up prior to the regularly scheduled pickup time.
Is there access to the bathrooms for students?
Yes, students will be able to use the school restrooms if the need arises. A teacher will accompany all students to the restroom and sanitize the door handles, toilet seat, toilet handle and sink after each student or staff member uses the facilities. Families can encourage their children to use the restroom at home prior to coming to school to limit the trips necessary to the restroom.
The El train line adjacent to the school is very loud. How will students be protected from this noise?
The school has a shared supply of noise reducing headphones that students may use while at school. School headphones will be sanitized after each use. Families are encouraged to purchase a personal pair of headphones for their child and send them with their child to school each day if their child is sensitive to this noise.
Will students be able to bring a backpack or bag to school?
Protocols surrounding backpack use are currently being evaluated. We will announce regulations about this issue prior to the start of school. Each student will be asked to bring a set of extra clothes to keep at school. Toys and other objects from home should not be brought to school this year.
What medical professional will Park West consult to flex/adapt our plan as COVID changes?
Park West’s panel of medical advisors include MDs, MSWs, OTs, and STs, many of whom are current or alumni Park West parents. We will continue to follow CDC, IDPH, City and State regulations and guidance to govern our decisions about how the school is operated.
What outdoor space will be used for class sessions?
Initially, all classes will be held in the outdoor, fenced courtyard of the school. A canopy will be installed over a portion of this space to provide shelter from the elements. In an effort to provide additional group time for select classes, we are continuing to explore other outdoor spaces that would meet our needs. We encourage cooperative parents to suggest and/or reach out to alternative outdoor spaces that our classes may use for additional time.
What will the separation process look like?
We will continue to approach separation as a gradual and individual process. As we have done in the past, we will start the year with individual and group visits, beginning on September 8, and then staggered start days. A parent or caregiver will be expected to be with each student on the first days/weeks of school and remain within or just outside the outdoor courtyard, guiding and supporting their child as they build relationships with teachers and classmates. As students become more comfortable in the group setting, teachers will prompt parents/caregivers to ‘take a walk around the block’ or sit in their vehicle while children have an opportunity to have some independent moments with the group. Teachers will continue to work with parents to determine the best way to make their child’s adjustment to school and the group as comfortable as possible. As each class’s visit, stagger start, and separation process will look different, teachers will be communicating details around this process to their individual classes in the coming weeks.
Will classes be able to go for a neighborhood walk as a part of the school day?
Teachers would love nothing more than to take our students out into the neighborhood to explore! The safety of the students is our first priority. We will use the first few weeks of school to get to know the personalities in our class before making the decision to take the class on a walk. It may be that our older students will be ready to do this within the first few weeks of school. Our younger students may not be ready for this step this year. If the teachers will be taking the students for a walk, parents will be notified via email in advance.
We have lost in person class time under this reopening plan. Is there a way the plan/schedule can be modified to increase in person time, specifically for the 4AM and JK classes?
The Board and staff received this feedback from several families and re-worked the schedule to provide 3 in person sessions for each 4AM class. We are still working on securing alternate outdoor space to allow for our JK classes to have an additional afternoon with teachers/week. With the current schedule, the courtyard is being utilized from 8:30 am - 4:30 pm with class time and time for cleaning between classes.
What will Park West At Home look like? How much time will my child spend online?
Park West At Home will not look like it did during spring 2020. Teachers have spent the summer taking courses to improve our online curriculum, which will now include videos, communication, at home activity kits and activity prompts consolidated on the Seesaw Platform. The weekly online component of class (i.e. Zoom class) will differ in participant size and length depending on the developmental levels of students in each class. Generally, we will not expect students to participate in a Zoom class any longer than 30-45 minutes. Teachers will share specific online expectations with families during orientation videos and communications sent the week before school starts. Teachers will be holding monthly meetings with the parents from each classroom to share what would traditionally be learned while assisting in a Park West classroom, including class activities, adjustment to program and other curricular and developmental objectives.
How can I help prepare my child for Zoom calls?
Teachers would like to share these tips for helping your child have an easier online learning experience:
Change the screen name to your child’s name when on Zoom
Headphones may help your child to focus on Zoom
If your child is distressed or distracted by their own face, trying turning off the camera
Switch to speaker view during a story or demo to help your child focus
Make sure your child’s microphone is on. Teachers are able to mute and unmute individual participants as necessary
Let teachers know if anything in particular is not working for your child or is especially enjoyable/beneficial
Siblings are welcome, but please be aware that we will not likely be able to offer individual turns to sibs
Are teachers fully in support of this plan?
Teachers and the Board worked in partnership to develop this hybrid plan with an outdoor classroom to offer in person engagement with our students while mitigating as much risk as possible for teachers, children, and parents.
Will there be space for additional students now that we are moving to an outdoor and online platform?
DCFS daycare licensing standards regulate how many students can be in a group and the student/teacher ratio during the Restore Illinois Phases 3 and 4. We cannot exceed these maximum numbers and also want to ensure that teachers are able to meet the needs of all students in their class. If any of our classes are not at our internally set maximum capacity, we will admit additional students from our waitlist and then via rolling admissions until we meet our maximum group sizes.
Is fully opening under the current enrollment numbers even an option under the current regulations related to maximum class size?
In early July the Board offered families the opportunity to withdraw their children with a full refund. One reason for doing this was to attempt to lower our class sizes to within allowable maximum group sizes. At our current enrollment levels, we have a few openings in some of our classes. We will be offering the spots to families on our waitlist and then opening rolling admissions to fill these spots.
The reopening plan does not work for our family. Can we withdraw our child at this point? Can we get a refund of our deposit and/or tuition?
At this time, we are not giving refunds of deposits or tuition. The reopening plan includes keeping faculty and staff members employed and the building operating. If you would like to withdraw your child’s enrollment at this time, we can offer a letter of tax deductible donation to the school or a credit for tuition for the 2021-2022 school year.
Will any tuition be refunded if the school has to go completely virtual at some point during the year?
We have built 2 additional weeks into the 2020-2021 calendar to account for any time that must be spent utilizing only Park West At Home content. If the school is forced to close by a state or city order, the school will immediately move to virtual learning. The Board and staff will assess how both the hybrid program and the virtual learning program is working for the community both in October and late in 2020 or early in 2021 and refine the program to best meet everyone’s needs. We ask for families to be flexible as conditions within Chicago related to COVID-19 change as we will also likely see changes to the requirements the school must meet.
Whether school is operating in the hybrid model or virtually, we will continue to employ our faculty and staff members, meet with students (either in person or virtually) and provide learning and parenting resources for families. The school has had to invest in additional cleaning services and supplies, PPE, and other materials that could not have been anticipated when planning our tuition rates and budget for the year. We must meet DCFS requirements that have required we lower our enrollment for the year. If the school is required to go completely to virtual learning, we will need to retain tuition payments to cover these costs.
Did Park West apply for any disaster relief funding under the CARES act?
Park West applied for and received a Payroll Protection Loan to support our staff salaries during this time. We have had to lower our enrollment numbers in order to meet DCFS, CDC, City and State requirements for maximum class sizes, effectively lowering our total revenue. The Payroll Protection Loan will only partially assist in our ability to retain our talented teachers and staff.
Is the plan shared with families intended to be in the place for the entire school year? Could classes move indoors and/or more frequently/longer if conditions improve?
The Board will continually monitor state and local positivity rates (looking to current rates as well as the days and weeks prior to assess inclines or declines in rates), state and local hospitalization rates, transmission data obtained throughout fall as other schools open, parent feedback on the model, recommendations from medical and public health experts, and the weather. We will formally evaluate the plan and whether changes will be made at the end of October. As a part of this evaluation, families will be asked to complete a survey so that their feedback is taken into account. We ask that families be flexible throughout the year so that we are able to adapt based on the above metrics. If we determine it is safe to move classes indoors, we have a plan in place and submitted to DCFS along with a Return to Work plan for teachers and staff.
Is there a specific metric that Park West is following to determine when school could go back indoors or fully virtual?
There is not one single metric that can be utilized to determine whether the reopening plan should be adapted. The Board will continually monitor state and local positivity rates (looking to current rates as well as the days and weeks prior to assess inclines or declines in rates), state and local hospitalization rates, transmission data obtained throughout fall as other schools open, parent feedback on the model, recommendations from medical and public health experts, and the weather to determine how to adapt our plan. If metrics are all pointing in a positive direction, the Board will evaluate whether to move school indoors. If the City or State mandates that schools and daycares must close, Park West will move all classes to the Park West At Home platform. By incorporating virtual days into the schedule from the beginning we hope that any necessary adaptations are easier for students and families.
If class is cancelled due to weather, will the class be made up, either virtually or in person?
Teachers will be working on building an on-demand library of materials for students to access, which would be available if students are at home due to weather cancellation. There may be a possibility of the class meeting virtually in the case of a weather cancellation. As our proposed schedule and school calendar has most of our courtyard time occupied, making up a class in person would be unlikely.
Are outdoor heaters for the yard a consideration to extend the time period for being comfortably outside?
We have not yet explored if there are outdoor heaters on the market that would be suitable in an area with active toddlers. If a cooperative family would like to take the lead on researching for an outdoor heating system, please reach out to to share your intent.