Information on Background Checks for Assisting Parents
Park West Co-op, like all child care facilities and preschools in IL, is licensed through DCFS (the Department for Child and Family Services). We work closely with our DCFS licensing representative to complete annual visits and she keeps us abreast of any changes or modifications to requirements for our facility. During a recent visit we learned of some changes to our DCFS licensing requirements for volunteers and assisting parents. All assisting parents and parent volunteers in Park West classrooms will be required to have a Background Check on file with DCFS for the 2024-2025 school year.
Assisting parents in the classroom are an integral part of our program for 2-Day, 3-Day and 4-Day classes. Assisting in the classroom provides parents with a unique connection to their child’s first school experience. Being in the classroom regularly is a wonderful opportunity for parents to connect with their child and get to know their child’s peers. It also offers parents a chance to learn from their classroom teachers. Assisting parents become part of the fabric of the classroom, and a valued part of each teaching team. Park West strives to be a school for the whole family, and including parents in the classroom is integral to achieving this goal.
Required Action Items:
Each parent in your family must complete the Authorization for Background Check for Day Care form (Form 718-B-DC), which is included in your child’s TADS Document requirements. You must complete all 4 pages of the form (electronic signatures accepted) and upload the completed form into TADS no later than Friday, July 12.
Upon checking for completion of the form and checking the fingerprint database, Park West will upload the results from the fingerprint database search into TADS for each individual parent. If fingerprint results are not found, you must take your complete Form 718-B-DC, your fingerprint database search results form and a valid government issued ID with you to be fingerprinted no later than Friday, August 2.
Once you have been fingerprinted, you must scan the receipt from the fingerprinting agency and upload it into TADS by Friday, August 2.
Instructions for completing Form 718-B-DC (Step 1):
Prior to submitting, be sure your form is complete in these areas:
All items in Section 2
Be sure to check Yes or No on the question regarding living outside of IL
Race and Ethnicity questions
All items in Section 3
Signature and printed name and date on Page 3 and 4
Two signatures and printed name and dates on Page 4 of 4
Print name on the bottom of each of the 4 pages
Once you have ensured that all the above items are complete, upload the form into TADS under one of the two: Authorization for Background Check for Day Care (Form 718-B-DC) - Parent/Guardian document requirements.
This step must be completed by July 12, 2024.
Instructions for being fingerprinted (Step 2):
If fingerprinting results are not found during the fingerprint database search (i.e. you do not currently have a background check on file with DCFS), you will need to be fingerprinted by a DCFS-approved vendor.
Plan time to go to get fingerprinted:
Park West will be offering fingerprinting at school on Saturday, July 27 from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm. You must sign up for a time slot here in order to attend this event.
Or, you may get fingerprinted at any BioMetric Impressions location.
You will need to print all 4 pages of the Form 718-B-DC on separate sheets (do not print on both sides or back-to-back – this will cause you to be turned away)
You will need the following items with you:
Printed completed Form 718-B-DC
Printed fingerprint database search results
A valid, government-issued photo ID (State ID, Driver's License or Passport)
You will be photographed. The only headwear that is permitted for the photo is religious headwear.
After fingerprinting you will receive a receipt from BioMetric Impressions. You must upload the receipt to your TADS account under Documents. If you participate in fingerprinting at Park West on July 27, the office will upload the form into your TADS account for you.
This step must be completed by August 2, 2024.
We appreciate your cooperation in this matter and your participation in this important part of our program. If you are unable to complete these steps, you will not be able to assist in the classroom in the fall and your family will be assessed a missed assisting day fee each time you are unable to fulfill your assisting duties.
If you have any questions, please reach out to us at